Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Cherry Blossom

Survived the long cold and snowy winter, I am so glad to say goodbye to “ snow,” “ice,” and “bare tree”.  Spring definitely is here!  Cherry trees burst into bloom looking like  they are topped by clouds.  Delicate pure white and pink petals fill my sight; I am enveloped in a heavenly scent. 

The transience of the blossoms, their extreme beauty and quick death, connote youth, innocence and infatuation. The romance is fleeting- lasting not much longer than a week.

Countless flowers weighing down tree branches within people's reach. I stand in quiet enjoyment...afraid of interrupting this ephemeral beauty. 

In the cherry blossom’s shade, there’s no such thing as strangers! 34th annual Sakura Matsuri cherry blossom festival at Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.